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If you own a condominium you need to protect your property with condo insurance.


If you own a townhome or condo, you have different insurance needs than the typical homeowner. Not only do you own your individual condo, you also share ownership in the common areas and overall structure of your building. If shared areas need upkeep and maintenance, your association will typically handle the expense through their commercial insurance package. While your association dues help pay for the upkeep of the common areas, they do not typically cover your personal property within your own unit, or your liability if someone is injured on your property. This is why you need condo insurance. Chicago condominium owners can rely on condo insurance to help alleviate the burdens involved with a condo residence. 


Condominium insurance provides protection where condo associations do not. Condo and townhome coverage protects your possessions within your unit, including furniture, appliances, kitchen and bath facilities and your personal items. If you plan on upgrading your unit, any improvements you make will also be covered under your policy, including wall units, renovations, wallpaper.  If you would like to feel more secure, you should look into purchasing a condo or Townhome insurance plan from Horn-McGowan.


Apartment buildings, rental units, and condo associations face unique risk exposures that have to be carefully weighed, especially in light of what kind of income they produce and the kinds of tenants involved.  This is not the kind of coverage you can hope will be addressed by a cookie-cutter policy. In fact, there are a number of factors that should influence the kind of coverage you opt for, including:

  • Viability of Air or Heating Systems

  • Sewer or Drain Issues

  • Hazardous Construction Materials and Removal

  • Flood or Earthquake Coverage

  • Auto Liability

  • Umbrella Coverage

  • Property Taxes and Value


At Horn-McGowan we can help you customize an Apartment Building or Condo Association insurance policy that addresses all of your liability concerns.  Protect the risk exposures facing your condo associations with our unique insurance plan and contact an agent today.

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